Monday, November 12, 2007

and so it begins

the first step..

suffering from major post-vacation blues, i decided to finally get started on the travel blog that i've been proscrastinating for the longest time..

for a travel blogger, i am not widely traveled enough. however, one gotta start somewhere hey?
most of the countries i've been to are within the asia-pacific region, occasionally popping to the americas and germany.

my trips consist mainly of snippets on food and places of interest, nothing off the usual tourist tracks and definitely not overly adventurous nor deadly serious. in fact, i would say my blog will be informative for travelers hoping to cover major sights within a few days.

In the next series of blogs, i will cover the following countries:
- korea
- japan (tokyo & osaka)
- america (new york, san francisco, los angeles, seattle)
- germany (hannover, frankfurt)
- taiwan (taipei)
- china (shanghai, beijing)
- australia (brisbane, perth, sydney, melbourne)
- new zealand (south island)
- indonesia (bintan)
- thailand (phuket)

see you soon!

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